Case Study: Park Slope Eye

At A Glance

Dr. Justin Bazan brought his dream of offering Brooklyn top-notch eye care and eyewear to life with Park Slope Eye. Since day one, their main goal has been to provide their patients with a world-class experience. Between their team of experienced and respected professionals, their state-of-the-art technology, and their selection of world-renowned eyewear brands, they are fully equipped to offer the very best.

The Opportunity

Dr. Justin Bazan of Park Slope Eye contacted us looking for help with his website. We wanted to modernize his website and ensure his practice was positioned as an authority on Google. We saw this as an opportunity to help grow his practice.

The Solution

We rebuilt the website from scratch, drawing inspiration from Brooklyn’s artists. We designed attractive graphics to give visitors a positive impression of Park Slope Eye. Using the latest SEO techniques, we wrote compelling copy to ensure the website would rank highly on Google and other search engines. We saw huge success when we focused on SEO and started writing custom content and blogs for the website. Thanks to our efforts and the incredible team at Park Slope Eye, the practice is now one of the leading eye care practices in Brooklyn

The Results

After updating the website and implementing SEO strategies such as new headers, meta descriptions and writing blogs, Park Slope Eye saw a substantial uptick in patient inquiries and bookings.


Grow Your Success with Marketing4ECPs

Marketing4ECPs is a full-service digital marketing agency operating exclusively in the eye care industry. Our expert team builds websites and provides services such as social media, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, email marketing, SEO, and more. Everything we do is designed to help accomplish your goals.

Our Website Products


Our essential websites are perfect for new start-ups and small practices. If you are ready to create – or upgrade – your online presence and want to get started right away, our essential website is for you.


Our essential+ sites are a step up from our essential sites. You’ll get all the ease and speed of our essential sites, but with 5 extra pages of custom content to tell your patients about your specialty or area of focus.


Our premium sites are highly customized websites with 20–25 pages of unique medical content written especially for your practice’s brand and target market, built following foundational SEO practices, and featuring a fully custom design. 


Custom sites are completely custom sites, and are available only by request.


If you have multiple locations or require multiple websites, our Enterprise option is built for you.

Discover Our Website Solutions

What We Can Do For You

We’ll work with you to build a customized plan that respects your budget, represents your unique practice, and achieves your objectives.

Marketing Membership

Search Engine Optimization

Google Ads

Digital Awareness Ads

Email Marketing

Social Media


Dry Eye Marketing

Medical Niche Marketing

Partnered With Industry Leaders in Eye Care

Lumenis logo
Canadian Dry Eye Summit logo
Otto logo
sunbit logo
jobs 4ECPS logo
4 Patient Care logo
Payments 4 ECPS logo
Birdeye logo

Marketing Meets Medical Innovation

We’re proud to partner with MacuMira, Canada’s first clinically proven and regulatory-approved treatment for dry age-related macular degeneration.

Both MacuMira and Marketing4ECPs are committed to enhancing patient care and driving growth for eye care practices. Our expertise in digital marketing ensures that practices using MacuMira can effectively engage with patients, build a strong online presence, and ultimately grow their businesses.

We’re excited to leverage our industry knowledge and resources to help practices maximize the potential of MacuMira and achieve lasting success.

What Industry Leaders Are Saying

Our work speaks for itself, but don’t just listen to us. See what industry leaders have to say!

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