Fontana Optometric Group Case Study

Search engine optimized website increases practice awareness in the community


Increase in Organic Search

Top 3 Keyword

Top 3 keyword rankings doubled



The Challenge

A website overhaul was imperative to ensure a seamless display of all three practice locations, employing SEO best practices for maximum visibility and a more optimized website overall, including speed and responsiveness. Achieving consistency in appointment bookings across all locations emerged as a critical goal, demanding strategic solutions to streamline operations and enhance customer experience.

The Solution

Upon launching the website, our implemented strategies led to a substantial surge in visitor traffic, effectively enhancing content discoverability for their target audience. Within the initial three months of executing SEO initiatives, we observed a remarkable increase in conversion rates and opportunities compared to the same period following the new website launch. Furthermore, our SEO efforts have yielded notable results, securing an additional six top-ranking keywords within the top three positions on search engine results pages, thereby ensuring consistent visibility despite various Google updates.

In a very short time we’ve seen a significant increase in website traffic, translating into more patients through our doors.

- Dr.Flores

Elevating Online Presense

Fontana Optometric Group is dedicated to providing personalized eye care services with a personal touch. With a commitment to understanding the patients’ needs and utilizing modern technology, they’ve served the communities of Fontana, Upland, and Rancho Cucamonga for decades. Led by Dr. Flores, a seasoned optometrist with over 15 years of clinical experience, the mission is simple: to deliver quality eye care tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Fontana Optometric Group recognized the need for a website overhaul to showcase all three practice locations seamlessly and improve online visibility. Consistency in appointment bookings across locations emerged as a critical goal, requiring strategic solutions to enhance operational efficiency and customer experience.

Upon launching the revamped website, we implemented SEO best practices to improve visibility and enhance content discoverability for the target audience. Our efforts led to a substantial surge in visitor traffic within the initial three months, accompanied by a notable increase in conversion rates and opportunities. Additionally, our SEO initiatives secured six top-ranking keywords within the top three positions on search engine results pages, ensuring consistent visibility despite algorithm updates.

The Outcome

Organic Search Sessions: Experienced a remarkable 172% increase in organic search sessions.
Keyword Rankings: Doubled the number of keywords ranking in the top three positions.
Conversions: Achieved 448 conversions, reflecting the effectiveness of our SEO efforts in driving patient engagement and bookings.

“Since partnering with Marketing4ECPs, I can’t recommend them enough! Their attentiveness and clear communication have made the entire process a breeze. In a very short time, we’ve seen a significant increase in website traffic, translating into more patients through our doors. They’re truly eye care marketing experts!”

Through our collaboration with Fontana Optometric Group, we successfully elevated their online presence and improved patient engagement through strategic SEO initiatives. Dr. Flores and his team have experienced tangible results, with increased website traffic and patient bookings across all practice locations. As we continue to support Fontana Optometric Group’s growth, we remain committed to delivering exceptional results and driving success in the competitive eye care industry.

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