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Eye Care Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow

For optometrists, staying up to date with the latest eye care trends and techniques is key. One of the best ways to do this? Follow inspiring eye care Instagram accounts! From learning about new technologies to connecting with industry peers, these accounts can provide helpful and interesting information that’s right at your fingertips. Here’s our list of some of the top eye care Instagram accounts that you need to follow today!


  1. @harbirsian.od

Dr. Harbir Sian is an Optometrist, TedX speaker, Podcast host, and a TikTok rockstar! If you’re not following him you are missing out on valuable content to keep you up to date on industry updates and trends.

  1. @officialglambaby 

Other than having the most wholesome Instagram feed, Dr. Arian Fartash provides education on the importance of child eyecare. She is also the creator of the fabulous, fashionable frames for children. 

  1. @2020glance

Dr. Jaclyn Garlich created 20/20 Glance as a way to educate eye care professionals on new and exciting innovation. Her content is incredibly educational and valuable. She will be joining the @eyesoneyecare.optometry team in 2023 and we look forward to seeing their content joined. 

  1. @drjenwademan

Dr. Jen Wademan has embraced the world of Instagram Reels and we can’t stop watching! If you’re looking for some inspiration or just a good laugh this is the account you want to follow. 

Optometry Practices

  1. @signatureeye

You cannot help but feeling calm when you first glance at Signature Eye Care. They have truly embodied their branding and it shows through everything they post.

  1. @eyes_on_sheppard

Eyes on Sheppard have wasted no time hopping onto creating reels. Whether they answering common questions or showing off new frames, they are capturing current and potential patients eyes. 

  1. @total_vision_ca

“See Better, Look Better, Feel Better” is the motto for Total Vision and looking at their grid you can instantly feel this. They take the time to educate patients and show off the work they are doing in the community. 

  1. @myeyewellness

Looking at Eye Wellness you instantly know they have a strong focus on the correlation of healthy living and eye care. They are posting content that represents their practice and reaches the right people.

  1. @chromamodern

People like seeing real people, CHROMA does a great job showcasing their practice and their staff. This immediately connects with people and patients grow to know your practice and the people they will see when they walk through the door.

Marketing & Business tips

  1. @marketing4ecps_

Your one stop shop for everything eye care marketing related. Loaded with free resources to support your practice and information to help you build a marketing strategy, don’t miss out on following for marketing tips!

  1. @eyecaremarketer

Trudi Charest is the Queen of eye care marketing. She is a public speaker, optical influencer, and bestselling author. Follow her for business tips, motivational inspiration and everything eye care. 

Written by natasha

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