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Website Trends to Watch for in 2021

Keeping Up

Your website is your first impression for patients; it says a lot about your practice. When people want to buy glasses, they want a stylish pair, so if the company’s aesthetic is modern, they will be much more inclined to bring their business to you. Creating a good first impression is also important on the professional side. Having an up-to-date and modern website immediately instills confidence with patients, especially when caring for something as delicate as their eyes.

Staying up to date on trends is crucial because not only will your website look better, but it also demonstrates to patients that you care about staying up to date. This doesn’t mean you need to overhaul your website for every new trend. Social media is the platform for implementing quick trends. In comparison, website trends last longer and require much more work to execute. Recognizing when a website trend is a good fit for your practice is a great skill to have and will serve you well for years to come.

What Trends Should I Be Paying Attention To?

There are many website trends out there that have a varying degree of impact on your website’s overall success. I’m here to give you a couple that will be very useful to take advantage of as we advance into the new year.

Shortcomings Or Incompletions

Believe it or not, making some designs on your website look incomplete or hand-drawn can be very useful. This trend has started to become extremely popular recently and will continue to be. These designs add personality to your website so clients can immediately get a sense of your atmosphere without any formal introduction. Not only will the designs be unique but memorable. The eye care industry is competitive so having a memorable website goes a long way to booking more patients. Going against the grain of the pixel perfect website will dramatically set you apart from the competition.

Immersive Imaging

With virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) skyrocketing in popularity within the past ten years, using it as a tool on your website will make a bold statement. Using design to create a fantastic graphic on your website or display products is an excellent way to increase client satisfaction and design a stellar website. One thing to keep in mind when using AR or VR for your website is that it can be very load intensive. If your website is already struggling with load times, this may not be the best idea.

Voice User Interface

Voice user interface is a technology that is starting to gain traction within the digital world. With chatbots becoming very popular recently, a voice user interface is a step above. Using the interface as a directory to help customers find specific brands or products quickly or schedule a check-up will significantly increase the user experience. This technology can take the pressure off of receptionists and help retail stores where there is no designated person to answer the phone all the time. A voice user interface can start to become the equivalent of a Siri or Alexa for websites. Making the user’s experience much more streamlined and responsive increases customer satisfaction while making your life easier.

Final Note

Website trends are just like any other trend; they are fluid and will continue to fall in and out of favour. The difference with website trends is that once established, they tend to become a mainstay and, in some cases, permanent. Keeping your website as trendy and fresh as possible is a massive advantage to your online platform and can only benefit your business. Going into the new year, updating your website can help boost both traffic and conversions.

Written by Trudi Charest

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