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Why Polls and Quizzes Should Rule Your Social Media Strategy

Instagram has been around for 10 years now and has become very present in the working generation’s lives. It’s the most interactive form of social media, with a billion monthly users, which doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

Stories, the 24-hour secondary posting feature introduced in 2015 and used by 500 million people per day, has manufactured a new level of engagement on the platform. Used by personal and business profiles alike, Stories is the fastest growing aspect of the app. Instagram continually introduces new features for story viewers to interact with.

Instagram Story Marketing

Instagram marketing is a rapidly growing space for businesses to connect to a new generation of consumers in a meaningful and authentic way. Stories take that even further. The most notable of its features come in the form of polls, quizzes and questionnaires. All three are invaluable means of engaging with tech-savvy consumers, and ones who are willing to build personal relationships with your practice. Let’s dive into each.


Open any Instagram story from an established brand with a high level of social media engagement, and you will find poll after poll after poll. Not only are they subtle means of gaining feedback from patients, but they keep people on your story to see promotional content. 

Choices can be as simple as which frame colour your followers like better between two models, but the feedback can be crucial in making style decisions for your practice and inventory. Some other ideas for polls:

  • Have your followers choose between wallpaper designs for an in-practice photo wall!
  • Using frames from your practice’s collection, if your followers could wear one shape of glasses for the rest of their life, which would they choose? 
  • If you play music over the speakers in your practice, find two recent album releases and ask your followers which they’d like to hear next time they’re in.


Two main quizzing modes using Instagram tools are the “question” and the aptly-named “quiz” feature. Both are valuable means of collecting responses from your followers, but with slight differences.

Ask me a question

If you’re looking for raw, organic feedback, this is the feature to use. You can change the text to whatever makes sense for your objective, and followers can answer away! This feature is best used when you want your audience engaged and looking for an easy and spontaneous way for followers to offer their opinion.

Guess my favourite…

This feature is strictly geared towards engagement, with its multiple-choice quiz style. By creating fun quizzes on technology, procedures or fun facts, this feature can be used to make visits to the optometrists seem a little less intimidating. Combined with a marketing strategy that emphasizes warm and welcoming aspects of your practice, this feature can do wonders for your online presence.

Last Word

As Instagram continues to dominate the social media marketing space, engagement has become a significant metric to pay attention to when it comes to your business’ accounts.  To up the engagement with your patients, we recommend creating captivating stories, polls and quizzes to give your practice the ability to collect meaningful responses from those that matter.

Written by Trudi Charest

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