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How Eye Care Professionals Can Succeed in a Rapidly Evolving Market


Just halfway through 2020 and what a year it has been so far. The world as we know it is changing, and as a result, your eye care business will need to rapidly adapt to keep up.

Over the last few months, you have had to temporarily close your doors in order to keep yourself, your staff, and your patients safe. Now, as your practice begins to open at a limited capacity, you are left to navigate exactly how to safeguard your business while you continue to help patients and customers in an effective and safe way.   

At this time, it is important to communicate to the community that you understand the new economic reality and changing mindset of the new consumer. Marketing4ecps is here to help you do just that! We are committed to educating and uplifting the industry to new heights and new awareness. We will provide the tools to not only help your business survive but thrive through these challenging times.

How Do I Still Offer a Great Patient Experience?

As you know patient care is one of your best marketing tools. Happy patients are more likely to recommend your practice to others, in addition to coming back themselves. These positive referrals are known as word of mouth marketing, which many experts refer to as the most valuable form of marketing

There’s no denying that the ideal experience for your patients is an in-person eye exam and an in-office eyewear fitting. However, there may be restrictions on how many people may be allowed in your clinic or your physical space may dictate a spaced-out schedule. Plus, many people who need an eye exam or eyeglasses are just not comfortable seeing you in person, yet. So how can you still give them a great experience?

Digital Opportunities

In order to show that your patient’s eye health and vision is still your top priority, we recommend that you find new digital ways to ensure their eye care needs are met. If you are set up for tele-optometry services great! Make sure that you are communicating that on your website, social media, and email. 

If not, don’t fret. There are still many ways to help your patients. Communicate the importance of maintaining eye health through diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You can send this digitally! Use all advertising mediums by updating your website, social media and email. Also, let patients know that you are there to answer any questions via phone, email, or social media. This will go a long way in making them feel that you are looking out for their best eye care.

The next way you can continue to help your patients is by offering e-commerce on your website. This will allow the ability to purchase contact lenses and frames from a reputable source that they trust. Plus help you make up for some lost revenue during closures. 

Online shopping provides convenience at the best of times, but now as people are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic it may be the only access to products they have (or feel comfortable with). If you need help with setting up an e-commerce solution for your practice check out this blog post.

How Can I Hit the Right Note With Digital Communication?

As an eye care expert, people will be looking to you to provide information on how they can keep up with their eye health. Especially in times where everyone is experiencing uncertainty, taking steps to connect and communicate effectively with your patients will set you apart. 

We recommend that you take the time to reassess your messaging and visuals you choose to use. Use images & wording that shows you are empathizing with your patients and continuing to evaluate their needs and concerns. 

In all of your digital messaging, it is important to acknowledge the new reality. Your messaging should be genuine, authentic, and address the current situation. Inform patients on what changes you’ve made and how you are making their eye health your top priority.

Example Messaging:

Times have changed in recent weeks and we want to ensure you and your eyes are still well taken care of until we are able to see you again. Visit us on Instagram for our latest blog on maintaining your eye health while social distancing. If you have any other needs or concerns, please email us: [email protected]

A great way you can make sure your messaging stays relevant and resonates can be done through getting insights on what your patient’s needs are right now. Utilize online surveys with tools like Google typeform and SurveyMonkey

As far as the visuals you use within your communication strategy, try using visuals that express the current situation. Avoid using images showing social gatherings. Featuring images of people in masks and social distancing will also show well. Images of staff add a personal touch that can be important in times like these. 

TIP: Canva is a great online tool that can help you create social posts.

Time To Transform and Adapt

We know it has been a very challenging year as a business owner. We hope you can find these tools helpful. They are provided to help you reposition and pivot in this ever-changing market and for the long term. In addition, we have created a 2020 New Marketing Playbook that features more tips on how to effectively adapt to the current economic climate. If you have any questions please reach out to us!

Written by Trudi Charest

More Articles By Trudi Charest

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Our premium sites are highly customized websites with 20–25 pages of unique medical content written especially for your practice’s brand and target market, built following foundational SEO practices, and featuring a fully custom design. 


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We’re proud to partner with MacuMira, Canada’s first clinically proven and regulatory-approved treatment for dry age-related macular degeneration.

Both MacuMira and Marketing4ECPs are committed to enhancing patient care and driving growth for eye care practices. Our expertise in digital marketing ensures that practices using MacuMira can effectively engage with patients, build a strong online presence, and ultimately grow their businesses.

We’re excited to leverage our industry knowledge and resources to help practices maximize the potential of MacuMira and achieve lasting success.

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