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Why You Should Write A Monthly Blog For Your Optometry Practice

As more and more people turn to the internet for answers, there has never been a better time for businesses to include blogging in their marketing strategy.

Blogging is a marketing solution that can build your brand and establish you as an industry leader while also driving traffic to your website, increasing your google ranking, and boosting your SEO. 

For optometry practices, this is especially true. Using medical specialty marketing, our team has built digital marketing programs designed specifically to help you help more patients. We’ve seen how successful blogs have been in providing old, new, and future patients with a platform where they can get expert answers to their medical questions and concerns.  

Keep reading to learn how writing monthly blogs can benefit both your business and your patients.

The Benefits of Blogging 

Here are some of the various benefits blogging can offer your business. 

It Helps Your Optometry Practice Establish Its Brand & Brand Voice

What happens when someone searches a question related to a topic your practice has a blog on? Well, it can bring them to your blog filled with branded content that you have direct control over. 

One of the many advantages of blogs is that they allow you to establish and build your brand voice and tone. This can help your audience get to know and understand your brand in a way that also brings value to them. 

Creating monthly content gives you the chance to start a dialogue and build relationships with your audience. The goal here is to allow your audience to get to know your practice in a way that can’t be done through a static website. 

It Drives Traffic to Your Website

Increasing your visibility online is one of the best ways to get new business, which ultimately increases your revenue. Creating blog content that is valuable, helpful, and relevant is one of the most effective ways to grow your website’s traffic. 

To drive traffic to your website through a blog, you should aim to:

  • Create relevant content to give search engines more opportunities to find your site and bring visitors to it
  • Include links in your blogs to other pages on your website to encourage visits to pages with additional information 
  • Promote social sharing of your content to increase exposure to different audiences

It Creates Content Your Optometry Practice Can Reuse in Other Forms 

Another benefit of publishing monthly blogs is that it gives your practice access to new content every month. 

By creating blog content, you give yourself a steady stream of material to reuse in email newsletters, on your social media, and in business promotions. Not only can you reuse this content, but it also gives you a non-sales way to promote your business. Using blog content to promote your practice can be a more natural and trustworthy way to lead people to your products and services, especially if you incorporate a call to action at the end of your blog posts. 

It Establishes Your Optometry Practice as a Thought Leader & Expert in Your Field

One of the best ways to gain recognition both on and offline is to provide value to your audience. 

A blog can be utilized as a platform to do just this. Blog content can showcase your knowledge and expertise while filling a need for your current and future patients.

To be recognized as an authoritative source for information, ensure your blogs are:

  • Accurate
  • Timely
  • Relevant
  • Informative 

A monthly blog allows you to educate your audience in your field of expertise, making you stand out as a source for reliable information and building your reputation.

Person uses smartphone to find information through a web search.

It Boosts your SEO & Google Ranking

When you update your blog monthly, you can expand your practice’s online presence and increase your exposure in the following ways: 

  • Adding new content to your website gives Google something new to index, which can move your website up higher in the rankings
  • Every blog post allows you to use specific keywords that people will be searching for, attracting new business to your website 
  • A combination of web pages and blog posts on your website benefits your SEO 
  • Every blog post you publish adds a page to your website, making it a more significant entity
  • With the informational content in blog posts, you can reach both customers and information seekers, which can lead to new business

Get Started Today

Do you want to share your expertise, gain exposure, build your brand voice, or rank higher in search? If so, you might be ready to launch a blog for your practice. 

Starting and keeping up a blog can be challenging, but we’re here to make it easy. If you’re interested in learning more about what blogging can do for your optometry business, please give us a call!

Written by Cassandra Stewart

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